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Haskell Santa brought Christmas Gifts to everyone! 🎁 But not to naugthy Haskellers ;)

As many of you reported that this page is nauseating, lacking RSS, missing the point, or just ugly and simply making you forget how to read, we decided to cancel this initiative to respect your opinion.

We have not decided yet how to use this page. But we like the site, so we will definitely find the right usage for it that would make us happy and will not offend the community.

But this Advent of Haskell is not going to be public. And this page is private place for now.

Sorry for the invonvenience, and have lovely holidays ahead!

Please do not go to the other sections. They are here only for the demonstrating our terrible design skills and crying while drinking more wine 🍷


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If you just want to subscribe for superb Haskell content then follow the @AdventOfHaskell Twitter account. And encourage others to write blog posts and share them on their own Twitter-day!

If you want to become an author for a day, here is how it works:

  • Before November 30, contact us to book a day-slot between December 1 and December 24 (including) when you want to become a Secret-Santa of that day. You will need to share your blog post on that day. However, please note that you do not have to announce the topic until the date.
  • On the booked day, take the @AdventOfHaskell Twitter account. We will send you the password approximately around 12:00AM UTC on your day. Make sure you can receive direct messages on Twitter (or make sure that we agreed on the place you can be contacted at) 📬
  • Start your day with introducing yourself and then share your blog post in the "AdventOfCode" Twitter account. We encourage to add #Haskell and #AdventOfHaskell hashtags to your announcement.
  • During the day, you can discuss the blog post with people, answer their questions, or share general thoughts about Haskell. Please, be polite and respectful to others.
  • Write a farewell message no later than 23:00 UTC, and return the account back to us, so we can give it to the next author!

You can host your blog post anywhere you want and write about anything you want. Everything works while your blog follows the following rules:

  • It must be about Haskell (language, ecosystem, some library or technique, community, Functional Programming in general, etc.)
  • It must be a new blog post written by you.
  • The blog post must be written in English.
  • The content of the blog post should follow Code of Conduct.

We encourage everyone to become authors, even if you're not a Haskell celebrity. If you always wanted to start writing but couldn't start then it is your chance! Don't be afraid about the content! We (Veronika and Dmitrii) can help with reviewing your blog post before publishing if you wish, so don't worry! We would love to see new faces blogging about Haskell and sharing their amazing work with everyone! 🤗


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You may ask, what's in this for you? Fair question! By participating in Advent of Haskell as an author, you gain the following perks:

  • Helping the Haskell community by contributing valuable documentation
  • Boost your personal brand by reaching a larger audience
  • Learning something new from valuable discussions with other community members
  • Chatting with the Haskell community
  • and generally having fun before holidays!


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1 December
2 December
3 December
4 December
5 December
6 December
7 December
8 December
9 December
10 December
11 December
12 December
13 December
14 December
15 December
16 December
17 December
18 December
19 December
20 December
21 December
22 December
23 December
24 December

Contact Us

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You can reach us by messaging on Twitter: @adventofhaskell @kowainik @vrom911 @chshersh

Or by writing an email to xrom.xkov@gmail.com